AI and the Collective Unconscious
12 minute Read
Robert Anton Wilson came up with a fascinating concept he called the Jumping Jesus Phenomenon. The concept was designed to measure the incremental increase of knowledge over time. He took the birth of Jesus as a significant marker in Western history and proposed that all human knowledge up to that point be considered one unit. This unit he called a Jesus. The time it took us to achieve the second Jesus was around the time of the Renaissance. The third was the mid 1700s. The fourth was the early 1800s, with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The rate has been increasing exponentially since then.
This exponential increase leads to a point in time when we are doubling knowledge at a rate greater than every second.
This always presented a bit of a conundrum for me. When considering the limits that people are bound to in space and time I couldn't fathom her knowledge could increase beyond a certain point. Either the population would have to grow to the point that it devoured the entire planet or something else would need to take over. I think that something is AI. We have created a technology that has already surpassed our capacity to catalogue and process data as individuals, and within a decade will have an apparent IQ that will be beyond our ability to comprehend.
All bets off on precisely what happens next.
Inside and Beyond
I read a comment recently that spoke about AI. The question was simple, 'If it is a tool, what problem is that attempting to solve?'
It's a good question, however, the few paragraphs that were quotedd were a very rational attempt to explain a phenomenon I believe is driven by forces that are far more irrational. This is not to condemn the attempt to explain AI rationally, but rather to consider that there are deeper issues at play.
The notion that these technologies may have been created, not to solve a problem for us, but to solve a problem for those who might seek to control us, in implied. It's a valid proposition. The Internet of things, smart cities, facial recognition, central bank digital currences, all exist with the potential to limit and restrain individual choice and activity. The degree to which these technologies are aligned with any one or more conspiracies, be they for political, economic, or spiritual domination, is open to debate and investigation. I will leave that to each of you to consider.